Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The scoop on fiber

Benefits of fiber: *Prevents constipation/Helps with elimination *Can prevent many diseases *Lowers cholesterol *Keeps weight under control *Helps eliminate toxins

Where do you get fiber? Fiber is can be easily obtained from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

*Drink plenty of water to help with digestion.


  1. Just found you blog through clumps of mascara. I love it. I am over forty and love the nutritional information and healhty exercising.

  2. Fiber is so important for anyone who wants to keep fit and stay healthy. Flaxseeds are one of my favorite forms of fiber. They are cheap, easy to add to different foods, and they are full of other nutrients as well. I agree that drinking enough water when taking fiber is important. Otherwise, it can have the opposite effect! Don't need that! :)


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