Friday, September 3, 2010

4 The Love or 4 The Money

When I was in search of my passion and purpose in life people would say the phrase that I loathed, "do what you love and the money will come". Considering I used to be impatient (although it sounds good making it past tense...let me be real and say that it is my life-long goal to be patient) I was determined to focus on the money and crossed my fingers that the love would come. Year after year I was motivated and driven by money and funnily enough never really had it. So in short I was working in ways that did not fulfill my purpose, caused me stress, felt uncomfortable and awkward doing it and did not increase financially because of it. I went through a depression phase for close to a year after pursuing money to no avail. It made me spend most days in bed wondering, praying and dreaming. I felt paralyzed because I felt that there was something deep inside of me that wanted to be watered and nourished but had no clue as to what. I only shared this agony with my husband at the time and I did continue attending church which helped tremendously. I did not take any antidepressants and was never actually clinically diagnosed with depression. 
Toward the end of that year I had a dream that I was leading a group of people in fitness outdoors. I woke up feeling extremely joyful and motivated. It seemed so real and all I could think about was making it a reality. I told my husband about it and he was very supportive and  that catapulted us into research mode, to training mode and finally to launch mode.  He had to put off joining me until he came back from his tour in the war on Iraq, but dove in ferociously when he returned. Fast forward some years now and we have been researching, training and launching new aspects of our business as we find the best way to get clients results and our preferred vehicles to deliver those results. I have been the happiest of my entire life (outside of God, wife & mom) for these past years. 
I would have never imagined life could be this exciting. Don’t think that you don’t still have obstacles and issues when you are “doing it for the love”; it’s just that your passion for it overrides ANYTHING negative. So I guess I learned that “do what you love and the money will come” is true. However what happens is that the money ends up becoming a byproduct of the value you create and your focus just stays on improving/creating/improving/creating. So ask yourself, are you in it 4 the love or 4 the money?


  1. i've always said you should do what you love :) glad to know it works! now if i could just figure out what i loved...

  2. Great post! Ha, I do what a love but sadly the mental health field doesn't pay too much but at least enough for me to have a job and food to eat! :)

  3. Shannon~I will be singing it from rooftops lol!

    Simply Life~I've found that you make more money by solving an existing problem. ie.If u find a problem that you continually see in your profession and find a creative way to solve it, then more value = more financial increase.

  4. Hi Joy!

    I know this may seem far fetched but are you by any chance the same Joy from wife swap? I know watching that single episode alone that there are some similarities with the interest in raw food, the bootcamp, sergeant husband! Thanks for following my blog also, I actually got stitches on my finger after cutting my first coconut. But I think I'm a pro now haha.

    Thanks again :)


  5. Welcome to R3FitShow Amy! Yes, we were on Wife Swap.


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