1.For the 1st time in my life I have long, strong nails and I owe it to this little bottle. I used it some years ago but forgot how powerful this stuff is. I got it at Trade Secret but I know some salons/spas carry it too.
2. I have to make sure I drink enough water dailly and since it is not automatic for me I have to have the right water bottle. The one I currently have has a manual lever that I can move to reflect how much water I am drinking. However the ones above are from hydracoach.com and I will surely have them in a minute. They have a digital face that computes how much you have and it reminds you of how much you still need. You can also program intense workout into it so that it takes that into account. SWEET!
3. I found this cooler tote bag in the camping section of “Tarjay” and it keeps my produce cool when I am out and about. I also put my water bottle and afternoon vitamins/supplements in it. I put a magazine in the side pocket in case I am ever somewhere waiting to pass time.
4. I love all of my supplements however these have all been a part of my regime for a year or less. L-Glutamine is an amino acid and helps with exercise recovery, prevents muscle breakdown and stabilizes blood sugar among other benefits.
5. Hemp seeds ROCK! They are complete essential amino acids that will help replenish muscles. They are rich in Iron, Vitamin E as well as Omega-3. Hemp seeds are high in essential nutrients including chlorophyll, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, phytosterols, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, fiber, histidine, iron, potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, niacin and thiamin. I take 2 TBSP per day in my smoothie, salad or straight off the spoon
6. I take 3 TBSP with ½ lemon and warm water in the morning and it is awesome for improved thyroid and digestion and increased metabolism among other things. It is one of those products that have been used for centuries with super success, but I am still blown away by underrated or unknown it is.
7. This book is 1 of the main reasons I start each Month with a 3-day juice fast.
8. 1 of our bootcamper’s hubby recommended this to us and it should be a must-read for anyone suffering from minor to major back pain. He literally did not have to have surgery because of it.
9.Liz Wilde is a Life Coach and she has a series of these books on, de-stress, revive and indulge as part of a home spa series. The collection makes me want to stop what I am doing, put a mask on my face, surround the tub with candles and soak while deep breathing and relax.
10. This is a Micro-heat cap that guarantees you a good conditioning deep-treatment. You just pop the cap in the microwave for a few minutes, put a plastic cap over your conditioned hair and then put this micro-heat cap on top of that. The end result will be super soft and moisturized hair.
I do Synergistic Kinesiology w/muscle testing to detect root cause of health imbalances & integrate 12 Holistic Habits for high performance. Author of Supercharge Your Superhuman & R3 Diet
*Join Sarge & Joy LIVE for one of their Supercharged Seminars or Retreats & learn to operate in your full human potential
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