Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Juice Detox (Read This 1st On Juicing)

Juice fasting is the oldest, fastest, least expensive and most effective healing method known to humankind, with more testimonials from our species' greatest thinkers and spiritual teachers than all other healing modalities combined. Unfortunately, today's most Western diets are heavily loaded with artificial flavors and chemically-created coloring agents, toxic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, and insecticides, and other toxic chemicals which overburden our bodies. As this toxic overload accumulates decade after decade, augmented also by environmental pollution, drugs and medications, it eventually interferes with normal functioning and our body's elimination becomes impaired. During fasting, large amounts of these accumulated metabolic wastes and poisons are very quickly eliminated through the greatly enhanced cleansing capability of all the organs of elimination - liver, kidneys, skin and lungs.

Several common symptoms of detoxification seen during this process could be darker urine, the possibility of catarrhal elimination of excess mucus. During fasting, your body will "autolyze", or self-digest, its most inferior and impure materials and metabolic wastes, including: fat deposits, abcesses, dead and dying cells, bumps and protuberances, damaged tissue, calluses, furuncles (small skin abscesses, or boils), morbid accumulations, growths, and amazingly, various kinds of neoplasms (abnormal growths of tissue, or tumors). German and Swedish biological clinics, operated by medical doctors, routinely treat nearly every disease, from cardiovascular and digestive disorders to rheumatic and skin conditions, with scientific, therapeutic fasting. Germany's late Otto Buchinger, Sr., M.D., supervised over 100,000 successful "juice fasting cures." In Russia, fasting has been used for over a half-century as the most effective treatment for schizophrenia, with irrefragable studies showing that 70% of patients improved mentally after 20-to-30 days of controlled fasting. Similarly, one Japanese research clinic fasted 382 patients, all suffering psychosomatic disease, with a success rate of 87%.

North America is still far behind the learning curve, nevertheless, as is clear to Dr. Charles Goodrich of the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, who has fasted countless times: "People don't realize that the chief obstacle to fasting is overcoming the cultural, social and psychological fears of going without food. These fears are ingrained. . . .However, fasting is not starving, not even in a medical sense or the natural sense." Dr. George Cahill of Harvard Medical School emphasized the point: "Man's survival [of long abstentions from food] is predicated upon a remarkable ability to conserve the relatively limited body protein stores, while utilizing fat as the primary energy producing food." In "Fasting and eating for health", Joel Fuhrman, M.D., notes, p. 10: "The fast does not merely detoxify; it also breaks down superfluous tissue - fat, abnormal cells, atheromatous plaque, and tumors--and releases diseased tissues and their cellular products into the circulation for elimination. Toxic or unwanted materials circulate in our bloodstream and lymphatic tissues, and are deposited in and released from our fat stores and other tissues. An important element of fasting detoxification is mobilizing the toxins from their storage areas."

A juice extractor is able to extract 70% to 98% of the nutrients from vegetables. When you pass a vegetable through the juice machine, it effectively separates the juice that is locked in the fibers. In drinking the juice, the majority of nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream without the work of digestion. An abundant supply of nutrients in conjunction with minimum digestive effort is a perfect healing environment. bodily energy normally involved in your mastication, assimilation, digestion, and elimination is freed up. This is another reason you'll feel more - not less - energy throughout properly-done juice-fasting.
The main difference in juicing versus smoothies is the fiber content.Fiber is good during eating but not when you are fasting. When you juice you withold the fiber.

What Should I Do 1st?
Start a raw-foods diet 7 days prior to juice fasting. Eliminate ALL caffeine, sweets, refined foods and junkfoods a week prior and through your juice fast.

What will I need?
~A juicer (which can range from $60 to over $300)
Great lower-end are Jack LaLanne and Juiceman.
Great higher-end are Champion and Breville.
~Fresh, preferably organic vegetables and fruit.
~Herbal, non-caffeinated teas (Great to drink 2-4 cups throughout your juicing days)
~Pure water (You may find that you need only 6 cups, than your normal 8 cups/day)

WHAT Do I Juice?
You can juice almost anything you can eat raw. Vegetables are best, especially carrots, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, zucchini squash, romaine lettuce, sprouts, celery and cabbage. You may juice fruits also, with your vegetables. Make sure that you juice more vegetables than fruit each time. It is not generally a good idea not to juice potatoes, eggplant, bananas or avacado.

3-4 16 to 20 ounce cups/day is average, but you can have up to a gallon of juice/day.

What If I Have To GO To Work?
Put your juice in a thermos or tightly sealed juice jar and keep it refrigerated or in a cooler tote bag.

What Are The Benefits?
Mental clarity is improved and brain fog is lifted.
Rapid, safe weight loss is achieved without flabbiness
The nervous system is balanced
Energy level and sensory perception is increased. The longer the fast, the bigger increase in energy and vitality. You normally need less sleep.
Organs are revitalized
Cellular biochemistry is harmonized
The skin becomes silky, soft, and sensitive
There is greater ease of movement
Breathing becomes fuller, freer and deeper
reduced allergy symptoms
overcome addictions
overcome eat
The digestive system is rejuvenated and becomes more effective; the peristaltic action of the intestines (the cause of a natural bowel movement) is stronger after fasting.
Fasting retrains your tasting sense back to more healthy food as acute sensitivity is restored.
Fasting can increase confidence in our ability to have control over our lives and our appetite, and that our body is self-regulating and self-healing organisms capable of establishing balance when given the possibility to do so.
Normal metabolic and cell oxygenation are restored.
Detoxification - as soon as the body realizes that it's fasting it will begin to eliminate those things that cause disease, such as fat cells, arterial cholesterol plaques, mucus, tumors, stored up worries and emotions.
Longer juice fasts enable the body to cleanse toxins that have been accumulating in your cellular tissues from birth.

How Long Do I Fast?

The length of juice fasting can range anywhere from 1 to forty days. Three days is an excellent tune up. Five-day fasts are long enough to begin the process of healing and rebuilding the immune system. Ten-day fasts act as prevention to fight off illness including degenerative diseases.
Twenty-one - thirty days is the standard therapy used by health sanitariums in Europe. If you deal with compulsive eating, start with shorter fasts so you may learn how to break the fast correctly. Most severe health conditions require fasts over 20 days, as it takes that long to repair damaged tissue. Remember, you are not the first to try it - millions of people have done it successfully before you.
Personally I tested juicec fasting the 1st 3 days of the Month for almost a year and enjoyed that. I am currently juice fasting every Monday and I am enjoy this as well. I always do an extended juice fast in January. If I am prompted to do a fast for any specific reasons, I do so and it usually yields many benefits, including spiritual. I prefer to fast at the beginning of a new week, Month or Year. Some people do juice fast for the 4 seasons. You can test different ones and you will end up with a preference. I must admit that I saw a man being interviewed a long time ago who looked AMAZING for his age and he claimed to have done juice fasts once per week for several years.

Will there be any fasting side effects?
There are numerous minor discomforts you may notice during juice fasting. These include:

feeling cold
light headedness/dizziness
bad breath
body odor
fatigue for 1st few days
constipation or diarrhea
stomach ache
acne or other skin eruptions
increased dreaming
changes in sleep patterns
aches and pains
frequent urination
coated tongue - a result of your body shedding toxins and cleansing itself
headaches – possibly the result of withdrawal from caffeine or a withdrawal in salt or sugar consumption.

What Can I Read For Support?
My 1st and favorite book on juice fasting was Toxic Relief and Fasting Made Easy, both by Don Colbert, M.D.
My favorite online resource is Fasting by Tom Coghill
Also google juicing recipes or get a few juicing books for recipes.

What Do I Do When I Am Finished?
Afterwards, after the fasting period, a lot of people go on the wrong diet - and waste the whole fast. DO NOT binge or eat junk foods after your fast. What you do after the juice fast is the MOST important part. Remember that after fasting you must always improve your diet! You want to only consume fresh vegetables, fruit and vegetable soup for 3 -7 days after extended juice fasts. I have eating plans available in a menu style journal that is a beneficial tool to use when you end your juice fast. It can help you with accountability and give you an exact plan to keep your results and your health.

(Diabetics and persons on medication requiring meals should check with their physician, of course. Fasting is not for children, pregnant women or nursing women. If there is a medical reason why you should not fast, then don't. Check with your doctor first.)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Bacon Is Good For Me (Remix)

Ok, why are people online trying to get the ringtone to this? I must admit that it had me cracking up laughing. I keep wondering what was going through my head when I was staring at "King Curtis" like that..maybe just WOW, SERIOUSLY and of course WOW!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Truth About Protein Bars

What makes these any better than a candy bar? Well, to be quite honest, in a lot of cases not much. You've probably seen a million ads for healthy snack bars: Nutri-this, Healthy-that. These really are just glorified candy bars.If you go in most gyms across America, you will almost always see protein bars being sold. The diet industry wants to give people what they want(high fat/salt/sugar), but make them feel like they are not really getting high fat/salt/sugar. People have been conditioned to want to appear health conscious, but if you were to look in their kitchens, you would see the ugly truth.

I used to LOVE protein bars and thought they were good for me. I vowed to stop sugar and ended up eating about 3 or 4 of these a day. I really was still just satisfying my habit, but clearing my guilty conscious. It has been about a year since my last protein bar and I am so glad that I let them go. I highly suggest avoiding bars, whether they be protein, low-carb, meal replacement, etc. as the nutritional content is for the most part not ideal.These bars are convenient but perhaps too convenient as they are high in fats (saturated) and sugars.It's much more difficult to create a great-tasting, moist, and generally high quality bar without adding a ton of sugar, corn-syrup, and/or fructose. Eat one, and your insulin levels will skyrocket for half an hour, then plummet causing even sharper hunger pains than you had a half hour before. So, it is doing the exact same thing in your body as plain ol' SUGAR!

Cabbage Rocks!

The health benefits of cabbage include treatment of constipation, stomach ulcers, headache, excess weight, skin disorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, ageing, and Alzheimer's disease. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcers. Find out some more phenomenal benefits of cabbage in this short video.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Best Weight-Loss Supplement EVER!

I am too familiar with the precious Transitions Thermochrome with Hoodia & Advantra Z. I have witnessed it do phenomenal things for myself and others. I actually stopped taking it for Months and realized what I was missing when I restarted. Ok..weight-loss, appetite suppressant, energy, metabolic support all in one.

This is a breakdown of how it works:Typically when you restrict calories or intake, your body stops working as hard and your metabolism slows down.Transitions Thermochrome allows you to restrict calories while maintaining your metabolism and increasing the burning of body fat for fuel. Thermochrome stimulates thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the production of heat generated from the burning of consumed and stored fat, which helps to support what is called brown fat, or brown adipose tissue.Brown fat produces heat by burning a high amount of calories. Thermochrome is a unique, proprietary formula that combines the proven sciences of thermogenics and the support of metabolic functions.Do not take if you have heart/liver problems or diabetes/hyperthyroidism.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What's Ski's Got To Do With It? Part II

OMG, I am a real life example of how conquering fears allows so much fun and joy into your life. I've done it with other things and decided to take you all on a journey with me though this. I never dreamed that I would ever enjoy "water life" because of my past experience. I would have ended up justifying why it's not that big of a deal anyway. Finally I would have given up at other things in life bcs of forming this habit and started thinking "life sucks". Life does not suck...FEAR sucks!

What's Jet Ski's Got To Do With It? Part I

Am I Perfect? I guess in our own cute little warped heads we'd like to think so but... we really know the truth! It is a daily process to examine ourselves and weed out the junk and put in the good stuff. After that high school incident that I mention in the video, I really stayed away from pools and big bodies of water. Now I know how counter-productive that is and use every opportunity I can to slap fear in the face! Sooooooooo who is with me? Who needs to slap something (not someone lol) in the face?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A "Real" Woman Controversial Ad

The above picture was published in the American edition of Glamour magazine, it appeared amid hundreds of pages of adverts and fashion shots in which the models have no blemishes, no frown lines, no wrinkles and certainly no body fat. Hundreds of readers flooded the magazine's website the moment after the image first appeared, roaring their approval and appreciation with comments like: 'I love this picture. I was starting to despair of ever seeing real women in magazines and it made me reassess how I look at myself.

I loathe the words "real women" because I consider all women that are breathing real. It is usually used as an insult to women who are fit. Some people may say that the "average" women looks this or that way and that is why it is used. But the majority rules concept is still hogwash when you are talking about being healthy. It saddens me that women would get excited to see someone who looks like them for justification purposes. Misery loves company and it is miserable to not be healthy. The model in the picture is 2o years old (no kids) 5'11 and 175 lbs. There is NO excuse for her to have a hanging stomach. I know that in today's world you can see many girls younger than her who are overweight or obese and that should not be either. It is not just about looking good but being healthy. Having a large amount of belly fat increases your risk of:
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Some types of cancer
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Insulin resistance
  • High triglycerides
  • Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Sleep apnea

Monday, September 14, 2009

Month 3 w Amy II

Enough talking Amy, let's just conquer the fear of this stinkin' scale...don't forget that YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Month 3 w Amy

Amy is back! Find out why Amy had been avoiding me and ignoring my calls!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Uncooking w Wendy Part II

Take a sneak peak in Wendy's pantry to see how she stores her staples and a few other tips!

Q: How Often Should I Have A Bowel Movement?

Ok so picture this: I am 19 or 20 years old and running down the stairs speedily to answer the phone. I trip and long story short, was rushed to the E.R. by ambulance. The nice lady checking me into the hospital asked me a series of general questions. She asked how long it had been since my last bowel movement. When I told her it may have been about 2 weeks ago she looked at me in horror. That is when I knew I was doing something wrong. Fast forward to today and I know exactly what I was doing wrong…EATING CRAPPOLA! Today, thanks to eating healthy I have 2 to 3 bowel movements per day.

So what is constipation? Constipation is a common digestive problem. It may be difficult for you to have a bowel movement, or your bowel movements may be infrequent. You may be getting constipated if you start having bowel movements much less often than you usually do. As the food you eat passes through your digestive tract, your body takes nutrients and water from the food. This process creates a stool, which is moved through your intestines with muscle contractions (squeezing motions). A number of things can affect this process. These include not drinking enough fluids, not being active enough, not eating enough fiber or produce, as well as taking certain medicines. If you eat three meals a day, then you should have three bowel movements each day. The first bowel movement should take place in the morning when you wake up or soon after you have had breakfast. Typically you should experience the urge for a bowel movement 20-30 minutes after you eat. The other bowel movements should be during the day and just before bedtime.

In her book, Healthy Digestion the Natural way, 2000, D. Lindsey Berkson defines constipation as,"A healthy person should have at least one bowel movement a day. Medical textbooks state that individual variation goes from several times a day to several times a week. However, having worked with people for many years on improving their health, I would define constipation as not having one to several daily bowel movements, or having too long an intestinal-transit time."

If you eat three meals a day and only have one or two bowel movements, then the second and third meal are backing up in your colon and staying there too long. When your fecal matter stays too long in your colon, water and toxins are pulled out of the fecal matter and absorbed through your colon wall. This makes the fecal matter stiff and hard. Your colon will now have a hard time moving this hard fecal matter through its sections and out the rectum.

Foods rich in fiber
• Unprocessed wheat bran
• Unrefined breakfast cereals
• Whole-grain bread and brown rice
• Fresh fruits
• Dried fruits (such as prunes, apricots and figs)
• Vegetables
• Beans (such as navy, kidney and pinto beans)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Matrix Fitness

Having a little fun on Fun Friday! Matrix with a twist and a few 10lb weights.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

WOW Question Of The Month

What can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon?
~The 1st person to answer correctly will receive a 2-wk supply of Thermochrome weight-loss supplement that also gives energy and appetite suppressent.
~Put answer in the comments section.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

UnCooking w/Wendy Part1

The lovely Wendy is one of our bootcampers and also a Certified Raw Chef. She prepares tasty raw meals daily, that her whole family loves. She allowed me to have a sneak peak to how she teaches her kids to appreciate healthy foods by assisting her in the kitchen. She has noticed that their participation has caused them to go from not liking the foods to exploring and enjoying the meals.
Tip:She said that she soaked the cashews for 2 hrs.


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