The above picture was published in the American edition of Glamour magazine, it appeared amid hundreds of pages of adverts and fashion shots in which the models have no blemishes, no frown lines, no wrinkles and certainly no body fat. Hundreds of readers flooded the magazine's website the moment after the image first appeared, roaring their approval and appreciation with comments like: 'I love this picture. I was starting to despair of ever seeing real women in magazines and it made me reassess how I look at myself.
I loathe the words "real women" because I consider all women that are breathing real. It is usually used as an insult to women who are fit. Some people may say that the "average" women looks this or that way and that is why it is used. But the majority rules concept is still hogwash when you are talking about being healthy. It saddens me that women would get excited to see someone who looks like them for justification purposes. Misery loves company and it is miserable to not be healthy. The model in the picture is 2o years old (no kids) 5'11 and 175 lbs. There is NO excuse for her to have a hanging stomach. I know that in today's world you can see many girls younger than her who are overweight or obese and that should not be either. It is not just about looking good but being healthy. Having a large amount of belly fat increases your risk of:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Some types of cancer
- Type 2 diabetes
- Insulin resistance
- High triglycerides
- Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol
- Metabolic syndrome
- Sleep apnea
Now going back to the magazine ad for a moment..I also do not like when models are being airbrushed to give off the appearance of perfection and ideal beauty. That industry wants to downplay health and shoot for thinness by any means necessary and that comes with many dangers too. The bottom line is, realize that you can have both a fit and healthy body and that should be your goal. It appears as if many women have that goal but the things you have to do to achieve it is not in the majority.
I'm SO glad you commented on my blog or else I would have never found yours...and I love it!!!!
ReplyDeleteJoy, I love you to death but I have to disagree this time. I think she is wonderful looking.
ReplyDeleteI would have to disagree as well. I see nothing wrong with one being happy with ones self. I think she looks great and I applaud her commitment to herself and who she is. Don't get me wrong, I understand the benefits of health and fitness, but have to disagree with being judgemental of anyone at anytime based on the way they look. That goes for weight, color of skin, religion and the like. But thanks Joy...I do enjoy reading and I never comment, but this one I wanted to. Hope you don't mind. ;)
ReplyDeleteI actually did a blog post about this a few weeks ago and I completely, 100 %, disagree with you.
ReplyDeleteShe's sitting down. Please don't tell me that when you're sitting down you have a completely flat, hard stomach, because I seriously doubt it. And even if YOU do, why does everybody else have to? I'm sorry but I have a VERY busy life and I don't have time to workout for 2 hours a day and monitor every little tidbit I eat to have a solid, hard body.
That being said, I am a size 10/12 and I run and train for half-marathons, I also monitor my food intake and eat very healthy. BUT do I have a belly pooch when I sit in a pose like that? YES!
ALSO, it's not "having a large amount of belly fat" that increases the risk of all those things. It's having a waist over 35". I guarantee you that that women's waist is NOT over 35".
The only point I agree with you on is that I hate when people say "real women". We are ALL real women, regardless of size.
It is all good! I want to know how people "really" feel about the topic. The girl is beautiful but this has nothing to do with judging her beauty to me and everything to do with her present and future health. Unhealthy signs start in many minor ways.
ReplyDeleteThis seems to be a sensitive topic and I know why. Some people may be thinking, "Oh my, if you think that model has problems then I must be morbidly obese with one foot in the grave." And that is NOT the case but I have 3 points to make:
ReplyDelete1.This is not about me but since you asked, I am aware that your stomach is more taut standing than while sitting....my stomach did look like the model's right after I gave birth.
2. I am not trying to sound arrogant but I can help ANYONE lose weight safely and easily, but mindset issues are the biggest opponents I have to fight. When people think they have tried everything to lose weight and it's hopeless to get past a certain point, they just accept it and justify why it is ok (mindset). I can't count how many people looked at me like I was crazy when I told them the size/body fat% they could achieve, and then when they hit it (in weeks or Months)they realized that it was realistic.
3. According to National Center for Health Statistics one-third of adults are overweight and/or obese. So you tell me...do we wait until someone is morbidly obese to start "fixing" things? Because I also can't count the amount of people who say they "eat healthy", which is a phrase that definitely means different things to different people.
I agree with you Joy, my body definantly did not look like that at age 20 and I did have a kid by then. My belly looks like that now, after having a c-section( working on it)with my last child.I admit that when I first saw this picture I did think that she was a mom and in her 30's like me, but now that I know the truth I can clearly see our point because we think of our best selves at such a young age and if this is what it looks like now then what is to come?
ReplyDeleteI feel compelled to point out that this advertisement was reminding women that we do not have to be a size 0 to be beautiful and that beauty can be much more than a Playboy centerfold. It was not addressing whether or not a size 0 is healthy (although, in my opinion, we do not have to be a size 0 to be healthy, either). So, while I agree wholeheartedly with Joy's assessment that health and fitness is essential; I do not agree that this ad was suggesting otherwise. I think it met its objective, which was to encourage women to love themselves and love their bodies.
ReplyDeleteWe are constantly looking at overweight people and judging.. When just about the same number of people in this world are underweight. It is said that having excess weight causes health issues. Statistics have shown that a female underweight is more likely to die of a health complication than a female that has excess weight on her body. I am not saying overweight is healthy but we need to stop focusing on heavy people and start putting the light on females that are too thin for once! Afterall, today's society says that a normal female should be a size 0 does it not? I am glad that picture was posted, and truly agree that we need to start loving our bodies no matter what!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm also am pretty sick of the whole thing of 'but it's reeeaaal.' So's skin cancer, but we don't strip someone down, put 'em on a pedestal, and take a glossy magazine photo of it.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe she has a hanging stomach because that is what she has. Regardless, you do not have her medical records or know her everyday life so you have no idea by looking at her whether she is healthy. People like you are the reason there is such a problem with false health information out there. Maybe you shouldn't have a blog. Like ever.
ReplyDeleteJust to point out, she is not 20 years old and if she were to stand, she would be very small and healthy looking. I am 5'9 and weigh 160 but it's all solid muscle. I have done gymnastics for 16 years. Are you going to say I'm unhealthy because I'm not a size 0-1? You don't know this woman. It's unfair to see a picture and judge her as unhealthy. It makes you seem incredibly conceited. Oh, and I'm 22 years old.
ReplyDeleteThat belly fat is disgusting! 20 years old with no kids and she looks that awful! There is absolutely no excuse! Imagine how she will look by the time she hits 30. Misery loves company so that's why everyone is enjoying the photo. It makes them feel better about themselves and allows them to justify being overweight and a "real" woman. Every woman is real that's breathing...I hate that term!
ReplyDeleteyou people are rude. thats all i am going to say
ReplyDeleteWhen "they" say that excess belly fat causes all these different problems, I highly doubt they are talking about 5 extra pounds. If this woman is at high risk for those problems, then we ALL would be in trouble. That isn't completely accurate, and I disagree entirely.
ReplyDeleteTechnically her bmi is about 24.4 which is in the normal weight range.
ReplyDeleteI do see all sides here but favor Joy. People do have choices... right or wrong... its your choice and its your body. If you are ok being over weight and unfit then you live with what comes with that and I don't have to point it all out - you know what you get to live with. If you want to be fit and healthy you also get to live with that and everything that comes with that -again we don't have to point it out we all know what that means to BOTH sides. Bottom line - you get to live with your choices.
ReplyDeleteforgot to mention - if your happy being overweight - then fine. If your happy being thin - then fine for that too. Its your choice - your life - your body
ReplyDeleteThat girl is NOT only 20 years old and probably had at least one kid. And there is no excuse for her to not being like that. How would you want her to look differently? And all those increased risks for having a belly that size.. please, are you a doctor whoever wrote this article?
ReplyDeleteYa, I'm going to have to make a comment here as well. I think I can see where you are coming from in writing this article but that's only because I've been on both ends of the argument. Yes, all women are real. The only thing that is fake with this topic is airbrushed, Photoshopped barbie dolls. When people say 'real women', I assume they are referring to women who have had a natural picture taken and because of all of the altering of pictures these days, when there is a very slim, fit and beautiful woman in a magazine, it's hard not to question if it's a 'real' picture.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with your comment stating that their is NO excuse for her to have a hanging stomach. It's not anyone's place to judge something like that. None. I'm sure you don't know much about her childhood except the very little you have read about her. She may have very soft skin with not much elasticity like I do and weight gained as a youth may have affected her belly like so. I think there is a very fine line when someone uses a picture of a 'real' person and puts it on their blog and makes a judgement of them. Who are you to say this about her? Would you say this to her face? 'you have no excuse to be 175 pounds and have a hanging stomach at age 20'. lol. What if she was obese as a child and then drastically changed her lifestyle and now is healthier and fit now than she ever has been? Then what... would you praise her then??? And like someone else said, 5'11' and 175 isn't that much of a problem.
I was a very thin and fit child growing up and didn't gain weight until my pregnancies. After three children, changing my diet drastically and developing a fitness routine, I've finally gotten back to a healthy and almost ideal weight. My stomach is just like the woman's in the picture and I'm very glad to see a picture like hers. It's not because 'misery loves company'. I'm not miserable and she doesn't look miserable either. Instead it's more like seeing someone to relate to. It's not because I want to be complacent and stay in one state. Be more open minded about this picture! Do you think many people feel like they can display their stomach like she's doing? No, and that's because woman feel they need to hide it because they think people will find it ugly because mainstream media has stopped displaying anything like this.
Here's my bottom line. Yes, to not be healthy or fit is miserable and if not now, then it will catch up with you. If all you are annoyed about is the term 'real woman' then I agree but the judgements aren't cool. This woman is beautiful. I relate to her. I wish their were more pictures like this to show all types of women because that's what this world is. We are all different and fit people shouldn't be judging the heavier ones nor should the heavier and unhealthy ones judge the fit and thin ones.