So how can you get rid of food compulsions/addictions forever? Well the good news is that you can! But my question to you is, "do you really want it bad enough?" If you want anything in life bad enough you will do what it takes to attain it and keep it. Especially if it is in your best interest and includes benefits. The benefits include, but are not limited to long life, zest for life, energy, passion, beauty, confidence, strength, peace, clarity, trim physique and much, much more. Those things all sound great, but you still may be wondering, "what exactly do I have to do?"
1.Make a resolute statement that being healthy and in your best shape is your desire and takes priority above any junk food that was ever created.
2.Do a 30-day raw produce detox to rid your body of the toxins that the junk has caused. After completion put the value on your health and not the junk by not allowing them back into your bodies.
3.Read books and/or online resources that support your new healthy goals. (I guarantee that your subconscious will try to sway you from your goals many times/day, so why not put thoughts and words into brain that promotes your goals.)
~Specific, practical techniques that can be used when you experience cravings.
*Ask yourself, "what would a healthy person do right now?"
*Ask yourself, "Is this
fuel for my precious body or a
fall back into my old habits?"
*Sing a song that makes you happy immediately when a craving hits. (It is a great distractor)
*Practice becoming repulsed by junk foods. Pretend that they are covered with maggots. (The visual helps bcs really they will clog your arteries and cells, just like a maggot covers something rotted.)
~Please find solace in knowing that you will work hard using techniques in the beginning, but as you stick to your guns you will have created new healthy habits. Once you make a healthy lifestyle into a habit, then it is more natural and less forced. So do know that it gets so much easier with time.