Happy Fathers Day!!!!! If you are a mom, take good care of your hubby today (as it should be always:). Anyway, fathers play a very important role in their daughter's life. Your role as a dad will have an affect on everything from when she loses her virginity to her self-esteem. I had to do a speech to teen girls at a high school recently, and during my research discovered many ways a father can prevent his daughter from having eating disorders. Although the suggestions can help with preventing eating orders, they also will help in other areas as well.The following are great tips that dad can start implementing immediately:
~ Show your daughter love and affection
~ Listen to your daughter
~ Do not criticize her body
~ Compliment your daughter
~ Encourage her strengths
~Volunteer at her school
~ Be active in her day-to-day life
~ Give rules and boundaries
~ Respect and love her mom
~ Be an example
~ Have at least 2 meals/wk together as a family at the table with no distractions
~ Have faith and integrity
I think that this is soooooo true. Most of our family has a big input on how we view ourselves and our self esteem. We as women want to be seen as beautiful and men seem to be the most important part of that puzzle. Dads set the tone for what we accept for a spouse in our lives and how we let them treat and talk to us about our bodies!!!!