Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
What Are The Benefits Of Outdoor Exercise?

The amount of research and literature on the advantages of outdoor fitness is astounding.
With technology and information more and more of our time is spent inside. We travel from one box to the next. We sleep inside we eat inside we step into our cars and move to our next compartment all without going outside. There is a growing body of research showing the health benefits of being outside.
~Speeding the recovery from medical procedures
~ Increasing energy levels to better mental clarity
~Positive emotional lift from fresh air
~Longer attention span
~Bolsters your immune system
~Increases one’s sense of well being
~Increased strength in movement has a better correlation to life’s challenges of carrying kids or running up the stairs than does the isolated muscle strength created through restricted movement patterns.
~Tends to encourage more complex movements often preformed on varied ground surfaces..
~Gives you a cross-training opportunity, providing your muscles with new and varied challenges that create well-rounded physical stability
Additionally, you’ll generally get a greater workout outside, pounding the pavement and rugged terrain, than you will with many indoor programs. The list of known benefits is compelling. Our modern lifestyle has developed to the point where going outside has become an “option”, the effects of this are just beginning to be understood. To get started just open the door and step out. Walk, hike, run, ride a bike, play with your kids, join a soccer league, train for a triathlon, join an outdoor boot camp… the choices are virtually endless. Combined with healthy eating habits you will not only gain health and vitality for yourself but set the example for your family and friends.
Monday, April 27, 2009
My Thoughts On Fat Loss Surgeries
Dangers: After the surgery, patients are at risk of conventional post-surgical problems, like infection and internal bleeding. Thrombosis, or the formation of a blood clot inside a vein, is also an issue. The dangers of bariatric surgery also include hernias, ulcers, strictures, abscesses, breakage of stomach staples, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, nutritional deficiency bowel and digestive problems, and prolapse of the stomach and death.
My Thoughts: I know people personally and professionally who have had the aforementioned surgeries. I believe that it is not in your best interest to do something surgically that you can do non-surgically while you experience the benefits that come from your personal accomplishment. If you have a generational obesity issue that comes mainly from food choices and habits, are you going to have everyone hop on the table for their 21st birthday? How will you ever learn the benefits of treating your body like the awesome machine that it is? Many of the health professionals will say that the surgery offers a better quality of life for the patient than if they did not get it. BUT I feel that that would be the case IF surgery were the ONLY answer. IT IS NOT!!!! We live in a society that condones quitting and having a weak mindset. If you want to take the easy route and justify that there are no other alternatives and your health is failing so you have to do something now, then get a few friends and a "professional" to agree with you and just hop on the table. But if deep down you know that MANY others in similar situations have gotten angry at their situation and fueled that anger and passion into a strategy to put the pieces of their life back together in the healthiest way possible.......then TAKE ACTION NOW!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
One Woman's Thoughts On "The Worst Things About Being Fat"

The following is an excerpt from "Shelly" of "". She had gastric bypass surgery in 2006 and below she described the worst things about being fat.
I always thought one of the worst things about being fat was that other people knew my "issue" I mean most people have "issues" but they don't surface till you get to know a person... mine were right there on my backside, on my stomach... 100+ pounds of issues. They knew I was out of control and every other good thing in my life was negated because of that.
Other things that sucked about being fat:
Having to take medications (high blood pressure, acid reflux, etc.) my 70 year old mother isn't even taking.
Having to drive around for "diva parking" because walking across the parking lot was tiring.
Going shopping with friends and only being able to buy purses and shoes (you now know where my purse and shoe addiction stems from.)
When people you were with asked for a booth and you weren't sure you could fit.
Going to concerts and not being able to fit into the t-shirts.
Being hot all the time.
Narrow aisles in stores (especially antique stores many times my butt almost took out a breakable or two)
Weighing at the Dr. office and seeing them move that little metal weight over one more notch.
Being limited to three clothing stores.
Not getting much play anymore ;)
People analyzing what you order at restaurants. Forget going into an ice cream shop.
Airplane bathrooms. Enough said.
Tray tables on planes and sitting in the middle seat.
People always saying, "You have such a pretty face."
Walking by a group of teenagers and hoping they didn't make comments.
Having pictures taken.
Ordering things like special shirts for an event or bridesmaid dresses.
Those desks with attached chairs at University.
Not fitting on roller coasters and amusement rides.
Getting into contortions to paint my toes.
Worrying when I heard a creak in a chair.
Backseat seat belts.
Old-fashioned movie theater seats and stadium seating.
Packing a small getaway bag is impossible. 2 garments took up the whole bag.
Summer clothing (sleeveless, short, revealing, definitely not fat-friendly)
Never getting a piggy back ride or being swept off my feet.
I'm sure there are many more and it's been therapeutic making this list so as I think of more I'll add to it.
I never want to forget. -Shelly
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Laughter Facts

~reduces muscle tension
~ increases the amount of oxygen in the blood
~ exercises the diaphragm and heart, contracts the abs and even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed afterward.
~produces happy chemicals in the brain called endorphins.
~researchers at Vanderbilt University found adults burn an average of 1.3 calories per minute while laughing
~Laughing is contagious
~It is not possible to tickle yourself. The cerebellum, a part of the brain, warns the rest of the brain that you are about to tickle yourself. Since your brain knows this, it ignores the resulting sensation.
Monday, April 20, 2009
$100 Whole Foods Gift Card Contest

April20, 2009
Hello Everyone!!!!
My blog will be getting a "Pimped Out" Makeover in a few weeks, and on that day I am having a grand re-opening and will pull a winner based on the comments on this blog post!
1.You must click on comment and tell me your favorite topic of this blog (topics are listed on the left) and WHY?
2.You must give a comment or question on what you want to know about in the health/fitness/nutrition world.
3.You must tell me your biggest struggle in the health/fitness/nutrition world/
4.You must tell me how many blogs you follow on a regular basis.
5.You must tell me a joke (no joke, laughing is good for the heart:)
p.s. Keep in mind that this not only helps me to serve you better on the blog, but to help other readers see common concerns and solutions.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
How To Stop Craving Junk Food and Sugar (PARTII)

So how do you protect yourself?
First let me say that we start off at a very big disadvantage. The very clever and powerful food companies find many places to put their non-foods in products and the labels will even say that these foods are healthy, low fat, "good for weight loss" etc? They are also very good at marketing to children. Remember, children will become the adults that eat these foods so what better time to reach them than when they're young.
I myself grew up on powdered ice tea, soda, crackers, pasteurized milk (which is also a non-food), and many other sweets. I also ate some real food like rice, vegetables, avocados and meat, but I've always had way too much access to non-foods.
The first thing is to not keep any non-foods at home. This is especially important for your kids because I believe it is easier for them to become addicted. Trust me and we all know this, but once you step outside, you will be bombarded with temptations to feast on non-foods.
I've looked at many of my client's kitchens and not one of them has passed my inspection. Many don't even pass a second time (that's how powerful these non-foods are). I mean if scientists can compare sugar to hard drugs shouldn't that open our eyes.
Make use of a juicer and juice a few days week. Most people don't get enough vegetables in their diet and juicing is one of the easier ways to do so. My favorite juice drink is spinach, kale, cucumber, and green apples (I wished I craved it though).
Keep healthy snacks in the house like quality fruits, cheese and yogurt. It is more expensive but isn't your health worth it. I mean it really saddens me when someone can drive to up to McDonalds in a 50,000 dollar car. They could easily have a 20,000 dollar car and just eat better quality food.
Eat real food... Take the time to make yourself quality meals at dinner time. Beef, chicken, turkey and eggs make great protein sources. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, beans, salads and vegetables are good sources of carbohydrates. Don't forget to include high quality fats and oils in your diet as well like butter, coconut oil, nuts, avocados, cod liver oil, and extra virgin olive oil.
If possible try to buy organic meat and vegetables. They are more expensive but offer more nutrition then commercial foods.
Empower yourself: You've just read this journal because it can possibly help you. Keep doing so! You have the power to be better. Don't ever forget that!
-Virgil Aponte
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
How To Stop Craving Junk Food and Sugar (PARTI)

I am about to share an article with you guys that I first read years ago, but it I frequently remind myself of it and it helps me to cherish my healthy eating. It is very true and powerful! Enjoy!!
Is Sugar as addictive as cocaine by Virgil Aponte
Over dinner one day a friend of one my clients asked me a very interesting question:
Why is it that people crave things like doughnuts and sweets and not life giving, cancer fighting foods like spinach and broccoli?
I simply said that's an awesome question and that I've asked myself that questions many times. In fact I also went on to say that although I'm a trainer I have many of the same struggles with food that most people have. It has always perplexed me why I crave sweets and not a bowl of spinach and broccoli. I mean how can this be that foods like broccoli, spinach, carrots etc? which provide nutrients that are vital to our well being don't addict us like junk food does. I just have to walk by Crispy Creme doughnuts and I start fantasizing how delicious those little suckers will be.
In recent months I've come across some insights as to why many are addicted to or crave junk foods. Hopefully this information will at least motivate you to keep these foods out of your house. Outside of your house you will be tempted with many opportunities to eat these lifeless and addicting foods.
World famous health & nutrition expert, Paul Chek calls this the "you can't eat just one syndrome". First he explains in his "You Are What You Eat" audio series that junk foods or non-foods are foods that:
1. Offer very little or no nutrition at all.
2. Force the body to the use its own nutritional stores to assimilate and digest the food.
It's amazing that you are eating to nourish yourself with food but with non-foods you are actually depleting yourself of more nutrients thus creating a need for more nutrition.
These same non-foods also cause you to overeat and possibly become addicted to these foods.
The reason is as the foods enter your mouth your brain can sense if there is actually any nutrition (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc.) present in these foods. If there isn't then the brain simply signals you to keep eating until it finds nutrition. The problem with doughnuts, cookies and that soda pop is that there will never be any nutrition in that food.
So what happens is you simply eat the whole box of cookies, or slurp down 20 oz of that soda. This then creates a big problem with your blood sugar because you've just taken in a great amount of worthless sugar which skyrockets your blood sugar level and forces your pancreas to secret an enormous amount of insulin to bring your blood sugar back down.
Your blood sugar then plummets to very low levels and you feel horrible and guess what? Hungry again! And what better way to bring your blood sugar level back up than with good old worthless sugar laden nutrient-devoid junk food!
Can you see what I'm getting at here:
These non-foods actually cause an addictive cycle similar to hard drugs and alcohol! In fact Paul Chek even talked about how scientists found that the addictive mechanisms of sugar and hard drugs are actually very similar.
You get high and feel great and then you crash and feel worse than ever and crave the same substances that got you high in the first place. This to me is amazing and very scary. Eventually what also happens as with hard drugs and alcohol is that you need more to get the same high.
Now look at what's happening to you... You're eating a food that gets you high, robs you of valuable nutrition, makes you sick, gets you fat and on top of that makes you crave more of it.
The same reason you crave non-foods is the same reason you don't crave spinach and broccoli. One could easily slug down 20 oz of soda, but try doing that with spinach juice and you are likely to throw up. The reason for this is because with the brain will sense the enormous amount of nutrition coming in with the veggie juice and say it's enough. We naturally eat until we are satiated and it doesn't happen with non-foods but happens easily with real foods.
With real foods you eat, feel good, don't get bloated, don't get high, don't crash, don't overeat, and just plain nourish yourself.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My Rockin' Readers
TV Debut Party Pics
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Whats for lunch?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Attack Of The Tree
*****Bloopers****You all are my witnesses that the tree on McDonald's property tried to attack me for putting down McDonalds. :)
Winner or Whiner?
Name: Lindsay Status: Single Occupation: 3 jobs Kids: None
Joy's Critique based on her 4Pillars for your Best Body Now!
1. Fitness: Winner!!! This girl is an animal. She loves a challenge and IF she does miss a day, she makes it up even if she has to do 2 in a day.
2. Food: Winner!!! She does not hesitate to contact me if she is confused or just wants support. She knows the plan that is best for her and wants to stick with it.
3.Supplements: Winner!!! She was hesitant to try any supplement, but now loves the benefits that she is receiving from them. (It is amazing how many people will question a natural herb, but eat toxin filled, chemical laden, processed foods all day long without hesitancy!)
4.Mindset: Winner!!! She does not let circumstances get in her way of getting what she wants.
Thanks a million, Lindsay:)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Winner or Whiner?
Status: Married
Occupation: Pharmacist
Kids: 4 (1 conceived)
Joy's Critique based on her 4Pillars for your Best Body Now!
1. Fitness: Winner!!! She recognizes that she needs to be pushed and has picked a fitness program that offers that. You have to know what motivates you.
2. Food: Whiner:( She is a winner bcs she is doing the 30-day raw to kickstart her healthy eating, however she should be eating produce more frequently. She is only having breakfast, lunch and dinner for the most part and that is a BIG no no when doing the detox.
3.Supplements: Winner!!! She did not hesitate to say that she takes a Multi and Iron daily, so that shows that she is consistent with it.
4.Mindset: Winner!!! She is noticing how implementing the 4 pillars is having an positive affect on her family life as well.
Thanks a million, Tiffany:)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Joy's Daily Supplements

Ok, I have been bombarded with emails since the show on which supplements I consume daily. My supplements ROCK!!! Why? Because they are high quality and highly absorbable supplements. I believe that healthy eating should be the main focus and good quality supplements should be sprinkled within to help assist with optimum health. (Please note: Many supplements on the market do not absorb in your system and end up in the sewer systems, so most of my supplements are Isotonic (An isotonic solution/drink has the same salt concentration as the normal cells in the body and the blood. An isotonic drink is quickly absorbed and replaces fluid and minerals, which the body uses during physical activity.) or in herbal form. I have listed a few of the benefits, but many of them contain other benefits.
Joy's 12 Supplements:
At Local Health Food Store:
1. 1 TBSP Flax Seeds 3xday sprinkled on food for Good fat known for Omega 3s and fiber.
2. 1 TBSP Extra virgin coconut oil 3x day with 4 oz warm water and 1/2 lemon for improved thyroid and digestion and increased metabolism.
3. 1 TBSP L-Glutamine powder in 4 oz water bcs it's involved in more metabolic processes than any other amino acid, helps prevent muscle loss and helps with muscle recovery.
4. 1 scoop of Hemp protein powder in smoothie to help replenish muscles and amino acids.
5. 1 Capsule of Biotin for healthy hair, skin and nails.
6. 2 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar in 8oz of water for digestion, breakdown of fat, neutralizes toxic substances, detoxicates blood and organs, and prevents urine from becoming excessively alkaline.
At BeHealthyAlways.Info:
7. 1 complete Greens with 4 oz of water for exotic green vegetable supplement.
8. 1 scoop of Mochatonix with 8oz of warm water for energy, alertness, endurance and increased metabolism.
9. 1cap of OPC with Calcium mixed with 2 oz of water for multivitamin and antioxidant.
10. 1 cap of Multivitamin with Iron mixed with 2 oz of water.
11. 1 cap of Advanced B Complex (B Vitamins promotes healthy nervous system, energy and cardiovascular health).
12. 2 tablets of Thermachrome w/Hoodia with 8 oz of water for energy, lipolysis and appetite suppression.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Winner or Whiner?
Name: Chris
Status: Married
Occupation: Pharmacist
Kids: None
Joy's Critique based on her 4Pillars for your Best Body Now!
Fitness: Winner!!! She consistently works out at a scheduled time on weekdays and gets variety, fun and challenge.
Food: Whiner:( It wasn't what she was eating, just that no plan was involved. Adding structure through the DJ eating plan would help her know exactly what she was eating and ensuring healthy meals/snacks and in adequate time intervals.
Supplements: Winner!!! She quickly and confidently stated what and how often she takes her supplements.
Mindset: Winner!!! She has been called a health nut, so people around her are noticing her good habits. She also displayed how having a healthy lifestyle is just a way of life for her.She does however lose points for using the word "try".
Thanks a million, Chris:)