April20, 2009
Hello Everyone!!!!
My blog will be getting a "Pimped Out" Makeover in a few weeks, and on that day I am having a grand re-opening and will pull a winner based on the comments on this blog post!
1.You must click on comment and tell me your favorite topic of this blog (topics are listed on the left) and WHY?
2.You must give a comment or question on what you want to know about in the health/fitness/nutrition world.
3.You must tell me your biggest struggle in the health/fitness/nutrition world/
4.You must tell me how many blogs you follow on a regular basis.
5.You must tell me a joke (no joke, laughing is good for the heart:)
p.s. Keep in mind that this not only helps me to serve you better on the blog, but to help other readers see common concerns and solutions.
1. Fav topic: the belly fat one, not only is it my hardest spot to tone, but it answered my questions about why those skinny guys can have huge guts! Stay away from the beer and steaks!! :)
ReplyDelete2. Can you explain what effect working out at different heart rates have? For example on all the cardio machines they always have a low intensity "fat burning zone" vs a high intensity "cardio training zone". I know a good exercise program will contain variety, but is one "zone" better than the other?
3. My biggest struggle is trying to keep my stomach flat (I'm short so every pound shows!), and in terms of food struggles, I have to learn to "balance" my fruit choices with my vegetable choices (i know Joy doesn't like the word "balance" as it applies to diet! lol). I tend to chose fruit more frequently, and I know I should go for something with a lower glycemic index. And I eat too many nuts :)
4. Blogs: Right now I follow 17 blogs - mostly health and travel related. I'm always looking for a good raw recipe or a cheap flight!
5. oh I dont know any clean jokes ;)
but here's a cute picture that will make you smile (and it even has fruit in it!)
Hi : ) I came across your blog a couple weeks ago. Because I saw your hair while perusing tv channels and watched the show. I believe I am suffereing from love of people with healthy hair ( I really like to stare) : P and I stared at yours.
ReplyDeleteThen I came across a post on Naturally curly, and you are a member there and then I came and discovered your blog.
Anywho here goes,
1. The topic that made an impact on me, my favorite was titled "Day After Historical Election (Question)", while not related to fitness it was very brave of you to put yourself out there like that even though you knew you'd recieve lots of critisicm. I really enjoy people who start conversations in a healthy way, example: Not yelling/insulting at someone to stop believing what they believe.
It really gets conversation going and breaks barriers on who people are "supposed" to vote for or follow. And the reason I say that is because I bet some people, especially of color are sort of ashamed to say they did not vote for Obama. I am glad you stuck with what you support and believe in.
2. This is related to what I struggle with. I would really like to see discussions, ongoing ones. How food relates to how you feel physically and mentally. I think an alarming number of people do not know that everything they put in their body has an impact on their health and mood. Especially those who have been struggling with mental disorders or know others. Instead they take medication and most likely continue old habits * especially teenagers *. Now this may be a touchy subject but eating right for yourself in conjunction with other help you are recieveing could help loads. Also people should try eating better and see if that improves their mood/health.
Another thing I would like to know about is ingredients in food and where they come from.
And stess and how it affects your weight and how to deal with the weight you may retain from stress.
3. My body is very finicky. I can feel everything, inside and out. Emotionally and physically.
I have a mood disorder and eating better has helped it, but how do I help myself for the long term as far as sticking to it and finding good and yummy cook books? and where do I find support while I live with my family.
My entire family eats...very unhealthily and when I move out this August I am sure I will be much better for it. They let my neices have anything they want and one is very, very destructive and abusive and I am pretty sure it is the other crack called refined sugar and fast food.
Sometimes I do give in to my sugar cravings. And for the past 2 months I have limited it to 2 days a week, Saturday and Sunday. That made a dramatic and positive difference in my mood and health and I would like to know yummy sweet alternatives to further myself from refined sugar.
And also I have another question...lol...is it better to bake your own treats?
4. I think I follow...*counts in head* ummmmm a lot, but I will say 7 blogs.
A caution to very hungry bears:
There was a once a brown bear and a beautiful chesnut horse.
They were married and wonderfully in love.
But a famine crossed their great homeland.
The bear could not take it. While the horse would eat grass and stay supple, the bear began to lose his strength until one day
he ate his wife.
the end.
Thank you for this oppurtunity 1Joy.
1. Favorite Topic: "Healthier Versions"
ReplyDeleteI think everyone would be more fit if there were healthier versions of our favorite home-cooked/soul food meals. I've begun looking for healthier versions of meals and my body is thanking me. Finding more tips is what I really would like to look into...
2. How come health indicators (weight measurement, BMI, etc.) don't take into consideration how a person is built? Some people carry weight differently than others.
3. My biggest struggle is forgetting to stay fit. That sounds crazy, but after getting fit I think I subconciously believe that I'll just stay that way, lol
4. Hmmm...(Looking at my Google Reader app) I follow about 10 or so blogs. Some I'm not subscribed to, but I visit frequently.
5. Yo mama's teeth are so yellow she spits butter.
1. My fav topic is "I do not have TIME to work out/eat right! " Its my fav becuase my biggest issue with staying fit is being commited & staying motivated. Two weeks ago over the course of about 2 weeks( if that makes since) I lost @ least7lbs by working out & eating right.. the last 2 weekes ive been distracted & Im sure ive gained @ least half of that back... I want being helty to be first nature.
ReplyDelete2. I need guidance on what eating habits I need to adopt to keep my metabolism reved up...btw I have a desk job :/
3. My biggest stuggle, I guess goes back to #1 : lack of motivation. sometimes I can be so focused then get distracted by BS in life.
4. I follow about 3 blogs ( by follow I mean check a couple times a week)
5. I dont really have a joke , but more of a funnt situation. I was dancing watching you gabba gabba with my 2 year old nephew. we were letting his lil behind get some air from his diaper @ the time. so he was dancing, doing the instructions & touched his toes & a lil fart slipped out... he lookde up, said oops, laughed then kept dancing!
1. Favorite topic is probably the Athlete's Foot blog re: your big toe! I've had athlete's foot on my left foot only, for maybe 20 yrs and am now going to try the clorox bleach in water and tea tree oil cure!! Yippee to have pretty toe nails on my left foot again! I also like the belly fat blog because I eat really well, but am thinking that maybe it's stress and hormones, which are way out of whack!!
ReplyDelete2. a. question: Why do I often yawn while I'm working out?
b. comment: The answer to why some people's pee smells after eating asparagus is... asparagus contains a sulfur compound called mercaptan. It's also found in onions, garlic, rotten eggs and te secretions of skunks!! The smell happens when the asparagus' sulfur compound mercaptan is broken down in your digestive system. That is, if you have the gene that breaks down mercaptan. Not all people have this gene! Interesting huh!
3. My biggest struggle for sure is the fact that my legs get too muscular from working out everyday! I love going to bootcamp, but it's frustrating to not be able to fit into my skinny jeans anymore!!!! And I have tons of skinny jeans I can't wear!!!
4. This is the only blog I have ever been on or seen!
5. Hmmm... I need to think of a clean one!!! OK!!!!!
How little Johnny found out where Jesus lives...
Everyday his Dad would bang on the bathroom door yelling, "Jesus Christ!! Are you still in there???"
1)I think my favorites change, but currently its the Juice Fast thing. I've been considering doing something like that. I like how you journaled how you felt each day b/c it helps to predict how you might feel and know whether its normal! Plus it helps to see someone else that actually made it through :)
ReplyDelete2)I have read that they are not sure that vitamins are that fantastic for you as they do not absorb well in your body. What do you think? Also, if you are truly getting all the recommended portions of fruits, veggies and such do you really need added supplements? Or is it just assumed that people don't get what they need...
3)My biggest struggle is probably self sabotage...I seem to set myself up for failure. I'm trying to learn to "capture my thoughts" and surrender them to Jesus!
4)Yours is probably the only one I read consistantly, but I do read a bunch of random blogs.
5)This isn't really a joke, but a funny quote I found today...
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings."
1.Fav.Topic: Videos!! Love videos, but I like to learn more about food, like: The benefits of Produce" & Healthier Versions. I really need to learn more of what to eat, because I LOVE food and some times I go the wrong way ;)
ReplyDelete2. I want to have your arms!!!Toned and muscle arms... but not big. love them! What I have to do?
3. My big struggle: getting used to the food in this country, I didn't have a problem in my country but, in here I noticed that I can NOT eat like I used to. But now, I found you and I think I'm in a good path :)
4. Blogs? Didn't know that even that exist! :) I just follow this one, and Know this one.
5. I don't know jokes!!! not even in spanish! but I love smiley faces :), they make you smile!
1. I don't have a particular favorite topic. I'm new to the health/fitness world and I've learned something from every topic on the site.
ReplyDelete2. Juliane commented that she loves coming to bootcamp but her legs get too muscular. My question is if she were to do more cardio would that balance out the stregth training that comes with the bootcamp? Also, when you have more strength training in your routine is it beneficial to do more stretching even on your off days? What do you think about couples stretching?
3. My biggest struggle is consistancy with exercising. I definitally think since I've started bootcamp and the raw food lifestyle I feel amazing. I might not be 100% but this is the best I've ever felt. My biggest struggle since going "raw" is holding out all day. I've been mostly 80% but I know I can do better it's just all I know is the excuses that have came into play up until now and it's hard to train yourself not to listen to your brain.
4. This is the only blog I follow on a daily basis. (No i'm not brown nosing you either) :)
5. A young boy had just gotten his driving permit.
He asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss his use of the family car.
His father took him into his study and said, "I'll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study your bible a little, get your hair cut and then we'll talk about it."
After about a month, the boy came back and again asked his father if they could discuss his use of the car. They again went into the father's study where the father said, "Son, I've been very proud of you. You have brought your grades up, you've studied the Bible diligently, but you didn't get your hair cut."
The young man waited a moment and then replied, "You know Dad, I've been thinking about that. You know Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long hair."
The rabbi said, "Yes, and everywhere they went, they walked."
1. My favorite topic on the blog right now is the benefits of produce. cancer is very prevalent in my family and it is intersting to me that my diet has such a significant impact on that part of my health.
ReplyDelete2. My fitness/health question is how can I get my four year old to embrace fruits and vegeatbles?
3. My biggest weight loss/fitness struggle is when I was pregnant I gained 70 pounds and four years later I am still struggling with my belly fat...will it ever go away?
4. I don;t subscribe to many blogs but I probably follow 4 or 5 regularly.
5. Why do men prefer intelligent women?...Because opposites attract!
Favorite blog entry?
ReplyDeleteHealthy eating at parties is my favorite topic on this blog. I love to cook and we are always hosting dinner parties and get-togethers. Cooking and entertaining is my hobby - especially now that I’m an empty-nester. I’ve traveled the world taking cooking classes and I am always looking for new and healthy cooking recipes as well as secret places around Naples where you can get quality and fresh local food products.
A question or comment?
I would like to know more about salt. Specifically, I’d like to know about the benefits or issues of table salt vs. natural sea salt. Here’s what I know…table salt is bad for you as it only contains two minerals (sodium and chloride) which are chemically processed until rendered dead. Table salt has virtually no benefit. On the other hand, I’ve been told that sea salt is good for you. It has ninety plus minerals that are essential to keeping your body balanced (balance of sodium and chloride as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium and 90 other trace and micro-nutrients). Someone recently told me the reason that hospitals are careful to keep patients on no/low-sodium diets is that they are using unbeneficial table salt which has no balancing qualities. Would they have to be as cautious if they were using sea salt? I’ve heard that natural sea salt can help the liver, kidneys and adrenals to work much more efficiently. After a recent dinner out at a new Naples restaurant called “SeaSalt”, I sampled three different types of sea salt from around the world and of all different colors (pink, brown, black), smells and tastes. I’m curious, if sea salt is beneficial at all, which types of sea salts are more beneficial than others.
My biggest struggle?
Aside from overcoming my forgetfulness in taking supplements (which I know are essential), my biggest struggle is working out on my own during my boot camp off days. I enjoy cycling – I usually go about 10 miles a day, however, I’ve become busy with work which translates to not making time which translates to…lazy. If you saw the air pressure in my bike tires right now, I would be busted. I know it is essential to keep the momentum going and I feel so much better when I do it. I better go find my bike pump now - - right?
Blogs I follow?
Aside from your blog (which I happen to love the look of right now – especially the header), I follow industry-specific blogs to my work. I also occasionally look at facebook. I know facebook is not officially a blog, but I like to keep up on what my daughter is doing so I go to that site once a week. As for your blog, you are the video queen. I think it is fantastic and I am looking forward to your next version unveiling.
Jokes I know?
I always forget the punch line of a joke so I rarely tell a joke. I do however, laugh at many other things during my day. Who doesn’t love a good laugh? Here is a joke that my daughter used to tell when she was all about five. It reminds me of clothing issues I’m experiencing now that I’ve been doing boot camp, eating about 80% raw and loosing lb’s.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Pencil who?
Pencil fall down if you don’t wear a belt.
Did you laugh?
c. conrad may 6 2009