I was going through some stuff. I'd lost one of my lovely dogs ... and I had just not taken the time to slow down. I was so stressed at the end of the season that I was really almost like king of numb - to the point where I blew out my Thyroid and literally had to stop and give myself some time to create more balance for myself.
Unexplained weight gain is a common symptom of thyroid disorder.
But at least one doctor believes that there may be more to the story. Dr Ralph Miller, a professor at the University of Kentucky College Of Medicine, believes that Oprah may have destroyed her thyroid. The doctor is claiming that Oprah should seek medical attention immediately - because if left unchecked - it could be fatal.
I really would dislike to see her have access to the best of everything, yet not have anyone who is knowledgeable or bold enough to motivate her to nurse back her health (similarly to Michael Jackson). Oprah has been known to do quick weight loss gimmicks and fad diets, but never successfully mastered eating for a zestful, energetic optimum life. Now that her health is obviously compromised, I can tell that she is just taking prescription meds as her source of hope. Instead of focusing on stress reduction DAILY, eating high to all organic raw foods as medicine DAILY, working out DAILY, proper sleep DAILY, supplements DAILY, meditation/prayer DAILY and changing her mindset DAILY!!!!!!
And DO NOT friggin ask me how I know that she needs to change her mindset because fruit grows from EVERY seed. If she does not have positive fruit being displayed on the outside, then their is either no seed or weeds on the inside. For example: She has some of the best motivators and Authors on her show and I am sure that stress reduction has been discussed numerous times in numerous ways. But this year she just made the above statement indicating that she does not know how to personally apply methods to reduce or eliminate stress from her life. She said that stress has contributed to her ailing health. If you knew how to effectively deal with stress, you would nip it in the bud long before it starts to deteriorate your health.
It is unfortunate because there are people around her that may be able to help her but they may not want to comprimise their relationship by being assertive and honest. Oprah you need me for 30 days! I fear no one and if you fire me, OH WELL ! I will be able to sleep at night knowing that I did not quit on you, but that you quit on me. What is wrong with this world? What happened to honesty? What happened to everyone helping each other? What happened to people loving life and loving themselves enough to take care of their bodies and their children's bodies? Obesity, diseases and death (ODD) will take out anybody! It does not care if you are a celebrity or a teacher or mom or a dad. You have to know that you have led (ODD) into your life by your choices and your can eliminate them by your choices.
......stepping down from my soapbox now,
I agree. It always amazes me that the richest celebrities have access to everything but still manage to screw up their lives majorly some how. Like all those ditzy actresses getting DUIs...um, if I knew I was going to get wasted at a club, I would just have a chauffer come pick me up. They can afford it! Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, Oprah can definitely afford to have some of the best doctors and fitness advisors look after her and guide her, but I don't feel she really takes advantage of them. It's perplexing.