Starvation:Starvation is not fasting. Those who use starvation for weight loss, regain all of the weight and usually more when they resume normal eating habits. Consequences of starvation methods which can include a variety if illnesses as well as lowered immune system, weak bones, diminished mental capacity and even death.
Diuretics:Diuretics, or water pills are classified as drugs that increase the production and discharge of urine. They don’t make you lose real weight – just water. Dehydration is the most common side effect of using diuretics. Serious dehydration can turn into a life-threatening condition.
Laxatives:Laxatives are foods, compounds, drugs or supplements which induce bowel movements or loosen the stool. Laxatives come in the form of pills, powders suppositories and teas. Short term problems associated with laxative abuse include dehydration and hemorrhoids. Long term effects include intestinal paralysis, renal failure, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and even pancreatitis.
Purging:Purging is the act vomiting the food from the stomach directly after eating. Purging can lead to many problems the least being malnutrition due to purging the essential nutrients obtained in the diet.
Purging can cause serious problems of the stomach and esophagus such as ulcers, tears and ruptures.
Smoking: Some people like that smoking suppresses the appetite. If they are addicted to smoking, they may also fear weight gain if they discontinue use. cigarette smoking is the cause of 85% of lung cancer cases. Smoking has so many negative effects on the body, not limited to the heart and lungs making it pointless to list them.
Diet Pills: We can divide diet pills into two types: prescription-only diet pills and over-the-counter (otc) diet pills. nervousness, tremor, diarrhea, bulging eyes, racing heartbeat, elevated blood pressure even heart failure. What about "Natural" or "herbal" pills? There are some that are beneficial and speeds the weight loss process in a healthy manner. There are also some that are ineffective or dangerous. Make sure you have a reliable source when choosing natural alternatives.
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