It is not good to EVER drink Red Bull! Jessica Alba finishes one as she goes to get her workout on. Energy drinks have become a 1.1 Billion dollar industry. Energy drinks should not be used while exercising as the combination of fluid loss from sweating and the diuretic quality of the caffeine can leave the user severely dehydrated. It does nothing to provide the body with any necessary nutrients or fluids. As a stimulant, caffeine can make you have anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, and insomnia. It will only ad more toxins to an already toxin burdened body and decrease our bodies internal water supply and natural detoxification processes. Not to mention the fact that these drinks are highly addictive because of the high amounts of sugar and caffeine. So please do not fall for the hype. Ignore the brilliant marketing words and phrases they display on the can and just grab your water.
I saw this show once it was based in new zealand I think and basically they whipped into shaped a person who had signed up for the process with lots of physical activities and eating right... anyways this one the lady drank 10 energy drinks a day plus coffee.... and when the show stopped from drinking all this she went through massive withdrawal.. she was fainting all the time and shaking and what not... these drink are dangerous if you ask me... although I'll admit that I do drink one every once in a while I think I had 2 this year ... simply because there's this one kind that I like the taste alot and it does keep me awake to make the deadlines at work... but people definitely should not be drinking these... and teenagers either... I see so many buying these drinks it's horrible!!! there should be a legal age for energy drinks and besides what do teenagers need to stay awake for so badly???
ReplyDeleteI won't even get my feathers ruffled by discussing teen usage or people mixing this stuff with alcohol.#!?!#%!